Singapore Vegan Festival 2022

On 27th August 2022, Singapore’s Vegan Festival which was organised by EatRoamLive, took place at the Stamford convention centre, with booths for all different foods, products, and organizations. It was a great event for someone of any diet, including vegan, vegetarian or even plant-based curious.

From vegan ice cream from Kind Kones to the ACRES (animal concern research and education society) booth, one could learn all about different aspects of being vegan. In addition to the fun booths, there were also a variety of talks and workshops that could be attended at the fest where you could learn about topics like sustainability or human health. Furthermore, you could find meals and dishes at the restaurant tents to fill you up after exploring. Overall, it was a wonderful union of plant-based individuals, celebrating and learning together. 

Being the community partner of Singapore, the Centre for a Responsible Future was excited to share more about the organization and plant-based diets. Using various infographics, we shared the different diet plans, and how one can have a more personalized path toward a plant-based diet. Additionally, there were also many examples of celebrities and public figures who were vegan or plant-based, featuring people you may have not expected. Along with this, there was another poster showing the production chain of two burgers, explaining the environmental costs and the lengthy process it takes.

Through the sharing, we met with many wonderful individuals who are interested to make a greater impact on the environment, animal welfare and personal health. With a myriad of programmes and vendors, the festival was a great opportunity for all to learn, understand, and taste plant-based foods and lifestyles.

“A kinder world starts with us”

— Join CRF in this plant-based journey