VEGANUARY 2022 is here!
Veganuary is a non-profit organisation that encourages people worldwide to try plant-based for January and beyond. During the 2021 campaign, more than 500,000 people took our pledge to try a plant-based diet, while more than 825 new plant-based products and menu options were launched in our key campaign countries.
Throughout the year, Veganuary encourages and supports people and businesses alike to move to a plant-based diet as a way of protecting the environment, preventing animal suffering, and improving the health of millions of people.
Millions of people from around the world have taken part in Veganuary since we launched in 2014. Our 2021 campaign had a record sign-up number of over 580,000 participants. Kantar research shows that around 10 times as many people usually take part in Veganuary than officially sign-up through our website, which means over 5 million people gave plant-based eating a try!
For Veganuary 2022, Centre for a Responsible Future will be working with Green Monday to support you and your peers to go plant-power in January 2022!


A successful launch event for Veganuary SG!
We are very thankful for the attendees, supporters, CRF volunteers, and Veganuary SG Ambassadors for our Veganuary SG launch event. It was 100% sold out!
Not only this, we’ve had a very engaging panel session from both the panelists and the attendees with thought-provoking questions. We couldn’t have done this event alone and would like to take the opportunity to thank Top Tier Foods Inc., MAD, Magnum Ice Cream, and ZENKO Superfoods for the awesome plant-based foods!
Lastly, we’d like to give our appreciation to the panelists for their unique and insightful perspectives. Thank you Dr. Sandhya Sriram from Shiok Meats, Kelvin Ng from Green Monday, Angelique Nicolette Teo from MAD, Vishal Vijay from Agrocorp International, NUS student, Ophelia Ong. And thank you for moderating the session, Mayur Singh.
This was an amazing start to our 2022!
Head below to see the other activities we have in store for Veganuary!

Go plant-based this January

Want to take the pledge but don’t know where to start?
Start right now by signing up for the email mailing list. You will receive a free Veganuary 2022 electronic kit where we have fundamental plant-based information and recipes for Veganuary 2022.
Go plant-based with these great discounts and dishes
Participating Brands


Local Ambassadors & Supporters

Global Ambassadors