Veganism Supports Feminism
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Veganism Supports Feminism

International Women’s Day, the world celebrates feminism and equality and we look forward to the day when equality between all genders is achieved in the world and that oppression of women will be a thing of the past. However, the largest scale exploitation of the female carries on right beneath our noses – the dairy industry and the egg industry. In this article, we focus on the dairy industry and discuss how supporting the dairy industry is inconsistent with the cause of feminism.

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Vegetarian Goes Modern
In the know, News Guest User In the know, News Guest User

Vegetarian Goes Modern

In Singapore, when most people picture vegetarian food, what comes to mind? Probably, a stall in a hawker centre, staffed by middle-age people whose education level and science knowledge are not so high, and who sometimes prefer to speak dialect rather than Mandarin or English.

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